Monday, 21 October 2013

Convocation Day

Alhamdulillah and barakaAllah for myself, i'm done for Diploma in Business Studies in 3 years at Mara Professional College Ayer Molek Malacca. perasaan mcm kawan yg lain jugak, happy, satisfied, bercampur baur dgn perasaan yg sgt terharu bila ibu ayah tgok pencapaian kita even baru diploma level. sooner di tempat yg sama jugak ibu ayah akan tengok kita grad in degree level but in different courses. in shaa Allah tak sampai lagi 3 tahun. hehehe :))

The Moment.

All graduation from KPM Ayer Molek, goodluck on next future plan for each of you!
semoga bertemu lagi :)
diploma in accountacy & diploma in business studies.

 supriseeeeee from my bestfrinds, syamira, at the middle between me & ecah, hehe
thanks dear for coming on the big day of us :))
we are besties & bestfriend forever.
harini semua kpm kat malaysia grad serentak so ecah from kpm bandar penawar, 
(diploma in accountacy), so dapat la grad ssama bestfriend. :)

dapat bergambar dgn ibu aje sbb ayah kat mana ntah masa ni, haha dia suka merayap untuk explore segala hal :) to ibu ayah, thanks for being a such good spirit and role model for me to get success in life.
in shaa Allah anakmu menyusul untuk mengejar kejayaan seperti kamu berdua. proud! :))

tahniah Fatin Afiqah binti Mohd Khir. semoga berjaya in degree level now!
semoga tercapai cita-cita dalam course yg dipilih,
ijazah sarjana muda (kepujian) kewangan islam.

Permudahkan segala urusanku ya Rabb :')

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