The Moment.
All graduation from KPM Ayer Molek, goodluck on next future plan for each of you!
semoga bertemu lagi :)
diploma in accountacy & diploma in business studies.
supriseeeeee from my bestfrinds, syamira, at the middle between me & ecah, hehe
thanks dear for coming on the big day of us :))
we are besties & bestfriend forever.
harini semua kpm kat malaysia grad serentak so ecah from kpm bandar penawar,
(diploma in accountacy), so dapat la grad ssama bestfriend. :)
dapat bergambar dgn ibu aje sbb ayah kat mana ntah masa ni, haha dia suka merayap untuk explore segala hal :) to ibu ayah, thanks for being a such good spirit and role model for me to get success in life.
in shaa Allah anakmu menyusul untuk mengejar kejayaan seperti kamu berdua. proud! :))
tahniah Fatin Afiqah binti Mohd Khir. semoga berjaya in degree level now!
semoga tercapai cita-cita dalam course yg dipilih,
ijazah sarjana muda (kepujian) kewangan islam.
Permudahkan segala urusanku ya Rabb :')
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