Saturday, 3 November 2012

5th Semester

Final examination coming!
Insya-Allah neh exam kali terakhir yg aku akan jawab n facing di kolej neh.
Perhaps. -,-
I'll do my best, wish me luck okay people.
my paper starting on 5 november until 20 november 2012.
then on 3 december I'll starting my practical at Bank Rakyat.

Alhamdulillah aku syukur sangat2, nak habiskan diploma dgn sempurna
lpastu kalau ada rezeki I'll continue my degree
Amiiiiin Ya Rabbal Al-Almin :)

rasanya tu saja nak ckp.
Bbye !

Wednesday, 31 October 2012


taraaaaaaaaaaaa! ehem ini dia Fariha Mardhiya buah hati pengarang jantung my Family! -,-
comel kan? hehe describe by your own okay,
but i dont know muka dia mcm muka siapa, jadi question mark untuk semua org
hahaha jahat lol xD

okay picture atas neh Fariha sebelum cukuq jambuii, :)
tak sampai seminggu umur dia masa neh
Thank you for CikTen yg snap kan.

Ini dia budak botak mariiiiiii, picture after Fariha cukuq jambul
habis botak haa tok Ibu hantar Fariha pegi kedai gunting rambut,
Now berat Fariha dah 4.7kg?! Omg, baru sebulan sayang oiii
part mne yg berat agaknya tak tahu lah kan.

Okay itu sahaja! :)
We love you sayang.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Girls, beware on this! :)

10 signs that another love interest may be sharing your partner's attention:

1. your lover no longer calls just to check in with words of endearment.
* opssss, endearment means "panggilan mesra" okay bebeh. Haaaaa you need to compare it's really natural endearment, not sweet talker semata-mata!

2. your partner is too busy to return a text message or voice mail.
* sobsob busy katekan :')

3. your partner doesn't answer the phone when you are around.
* HAHA ape lagi, you olss tolong lah angkatkan. why not?!

4. when you take a meal to his house, the dish is immediately cleaned and set on the table so you won't forget it.
5. your partner insists on staying home and watching TV rather than go out on a date.
6. the bar is suddenly stocked with beverages that neither of you drink.
* no comment on this.
7. friends casually ask, as if they already know something, if the two of you are still together.
8. your partner doesn't try to ease your insecurities about an ex.
9. last year you received a dozen red roses for Valentine's Day; this year you received a card and a candy bar.
* HAHA, pity on sometimes. But okay what daripada tade langsung kan. Syukran :)

10. your partner is too busy with projects on weekends to hang out and too tired on Saturday night to go out with you.
* itu pun kalau your bf dah ada kerjaya and has his own project lah kan, kalau yg tgh study tu acano erk? hehe lu pikir lah sendirik! peaceeeee :)

Thursday, 27 September 2012

An Aunty! :)

Today the cutest baby diberi nama Fariha Mardhiya binti Faqrul Azmi dilahirkan dengan sempurna dan sangat-sangat lah comel !!!! hahaha nampak tak betapa excited nya dah jadi aunty kpd anak buah yg pertama n cucu sulung dlm keluarga Mohd Khir :) I really love you baby, sangat comel tau?! Unfortunately tak boleh upload picture dye sbb my mum tak bagi. Ibu ckp baby dlm hari lagi so better tggu dye dah besar sikit baru lah nk upload okay! Ape yg aku boleh ckp, Fariha mcm omputih mukanya. Please believe that n aku tak menafikan tu. HAHA. Masa lahir tu berat Fariha 3.8kg agak semangat lah jugak and now sangat-sangat kuat menyusu.

* kenapa aku syok cerita pasal dye erk? -,- Anyway aku sangat teruja dgn kehadiran Fariha Mardhiya.
Who cares. :D Cik Ten miss you always! Can't wait to going back home! Okaybyeeeeee.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Girls's Right!

Assalamualaikum to all visitors! Topics on my post today is some tips for girls How to become a Good Muslims. For those are not "girls" also can read and join this site! Let's we looked together all the steps about this special tips ! For sure :)

1. Understand that all shall be well with Allah's will.

Allah forgives minor sins for He is All-Understanding and All-Forgiving. 
Even if you feel that you are already too deep to become the good Muslim that you truly can be.

2. Discover where the influences causing you to turn your back on your religion come from. 

Maybe you can trace back the cause to either family situations or friends that are leading you on the wrong path. Leave the friends. They will not be there on the Day of Judgement when you have to face Allah on your own. If it is because of family, it is a little more difficult. This is where the next steps will come in handy.

*For me, really agree on this! Okay next,

3If you are truly devoted to turning over a new leaf and becoming the best Muslim girl that you can be, you must wear the hi-jab (hijab)

The hijab is not just a piece of cloth that covers hair, it changes you mentally and spiritually. Think of it as a way for Allah to protect the women. As soon as you wear the hi-jab, hopefully, your whole perspective on self-respect and values will automatically change. Non-hijacking are defying Allah's laws and risking His punishment, so you have a better chance of achieving this feeling by wearing the hi-jab  Consider the additional benefits of the face veil (niqaab).

*Hello girls, don't make an excuses for not wearing hi-jab because you're not ready well to do so, or an excuses you are not so niceeee very well to wearing hi-jab. Please don't be like that lah because this is compulsory for muslims girls. Girls now said, " alaaa aku tak ready lagi lah nak bertudung, or this, "alahai yg pakai tudung semua bukannya baik sgt pongg". Excuse me, at least dpt lah jugak kurangkan dosa membuka aurat. Okay? :)

4. Pray five times a day

Before you get on the prayer rug, learn what the prayer words mean to enhance your contemplation within prayer. If you do not speak Arabic, try to find some translated versions of the prayer words and take some time to read and understand what the words mean. Start making prayer a normal part of your day, the way eating is a need of ours, our spiritual food is prayers.

*Busy mcm mana skalipun, you have try to be. 

5. Read the Quran

Read the Quran and also try to read the translation of the Quran and truly try to understand its meaning. You can read the translation in English as well. Reading the Quran will help establish a useful relationship with Allah and will also allow you to understand how beautiful the religion is. Listening to it (you can find videos online) also makes you feel closer to Allah.

* It's fact and people you need to do this. You can feel the truth meaning of "ketenangan".

6. Learn more about Islam.

Know what you have to do (which is called 'wajib' things) and what you can't do (haram things). The Internet is a valuable source to search for Islamic rules and regulations and the punishments that apply if they are broken. Make sure to go on correct websites for the correct source of Islamic information. The punishments may sometimes seem severe, but they are there to protect society and guide the believers to follow the way of Allah (swt).

* So many other things about a knowledge of Islam. But one day I'm very sure I've chance and a lot of time to learn about Islam so deep! InsyaAllah :)

7. Dress modestly

This does not mean that you have to look ugly or not stylish. Just be modest. Wear longer shirts and do not wear clothes such as tank tops and shorts. Stay away from clothes that are too tight. Remember that it is obligatory to cover the whole body except the face and hands, which are recommended but not obligatory. This also helps you to change your whole outlook on what is acceptable and what is not.

* Yeahh honestly I am trying to do with my effort to do this things. Kalau bukan sekarang, bila lagi kita nak berubah kan? Just ignore what people wanna say about you. Be yourself! Zaman sekarang dah berlambak fesyen for Muslimah, so ! what are you waiting for. Yg penting niat tu dah ada dlm hati.

8. Hang out with good friends; going with the theme you may want to make friends who share your mission of being a good Muslim

If you are lucky enough, you might spot a Muslim girl your age. Be sure to make friends with a Muslim girl if you find one. You can tell her how you are trying to be a better Muslim, and she might be able to help!

* Haa beware on this. Jangan pernah sesekali silap pilih kawan yea! Masing-masing pandai jaga diri so bentuk lah diri anda sebaik mungkin. People can makes any judgements on you, but only you know very well about yourself. Hey friends! Nak enjoy sgt tak boleh jugak. Peace! :)

I think that's all from me, just wanna share some knowledge for all of you. There are so many knowledge that sometime we might don't know and ever think about it. Okay see you on next Entry, 

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Tips Awal Sebelum B'tudung Labuh :)

1. Mulakan dengan memakai stokin kaki & sarung lengan. Biasakan memakai baju yang longgar dan melepasi punggung. Tukarkan penggunaan seluar jeans dengan seluar slack yang longgar.

2. Cari & sertailah kumpulan usrah yang benar. Yakni yang diyakini agama naqibah (ketua usrah) nya serta hala tujunya selari dengan syariat. InsyaAllah…

3. Perhebatkan langkah menyertai majlis-majlis ilmu seperti kuliah maghrib di Masjid, ceramah-ceramah oleh ustaz/ustazah untuk menambah input dalam diri. InsyaAllah, akan bertemu sahabat-sahabat baru yang baik di majlis-majlis tersebut.

4. Bersungguh-sungguh memperbaiki ibadah-ibadah asas seperti solat, puasa & sebagainya. Boleh rujuk ustaz/ustazah, sahabat2 yang diyakini agama, kitab-kitab fardu ain, ataupun mendengar ceramah-ceramah online (kalau boleh semua ini seiring).

5. Perbanyakkan membaca al-Quran & mentadabbur (mengkaji) maknanya. Milikilah tafsir mini sebagai teman karib.

6. Apabila hati sudah semakin kuat, yakni semakin sudah yakin dengan pilihan yang dibuat (untuk berhijrah lillahi taala) maka, perlahan-lahanlah mulakan langkah untuk memperbaiki penampilan. Mulalah memakai baju yang menutupi peha (mencecah lutut). Paling popular, T-shirt Muslimah. Namun, hati-hati, seeloknya pastikan ukurannya mencecah lutut kerana T-shirt yang tidak menutupi peha berpotensi untuk menampakkan bentuk peha jika dipakai dengan seluar.

7. Mulakan dengan memakai tudung bidang 50 (melepasi bahu). Pinkan secara lurus. Kalau dipinkan silang ke dada, kelihatan agak singkat. Kebiasaannya muslimah memilih untuk memakai Tudung Turki atau Tudung Mesir.
Contoh 1: Tudung Akel bidang 50.
Contoh 2: Pashmina (selendang menutupi dada & tidak jarang)

8. Setelah semakin selesa, mulalah memakai pula tudungTudung Turki/ Mesir/ Bawal bidang 60. Tudung jenis ini kebiasaannya labuh mencecah siku & menutupi punggung.Sebenarnya, tudung jenis ini pun sudah memadai untuk menutupi aurat dengan sempurna. Namun, agak renyah sebab penggunaan pin.. ( kalau tudung jahit terus sarung je. lagi mudah kan? ) ^ ^
Contoh Tudung Turki jenama Akel bidang 60.

9. Dalam pada berusaha menjaga penampilan, langkah 1-6 masih dipraktikkan dengan istiqomah (berterusan). Iman ditingkatkan, ibadah diperhebatkan, akhlak dipermantapkan. insyaAllah.

10. Kemudian, setelah bersedia untuk memakai tudung labuh berjahit, bolehlah mulakan dengan berselang-seli dengan Tudung Turki/Mesir bidang 60 sebelum istiqomah dengan tudung labuh berjahit. Serta kurangkan pemakaian seluar serta mengantikannya dengan memakai kain. Memakai t-shirt muslimah dengan kain tidak ada salahnya. Bahkan lebih manis dipandang mata. :)

CUBALAH dahulu. InsyaAllah, sekali cuba… masyaAllah, perasaan kali pertama itu terasa sangat indah sekali. Terasa sangat selamat, terasa Allah berasa sangat dekat. Subhanallah! Jika kita ikhlas berhijrah & memakai tudung labuh dengan niat untuk mendapatkan keredhaan Allah, insyaAllah Dia akan membantu mempermudahi jalan kita.

Secara tidak langsung, akhlak kita juga seakan terpelihara sebagaimana terpeliharanya maruah kita dilindungi kelabuhan tudung yang dipakai. Kita akan jadi segan untuk berakhlak buruk & melakukan kemungkaran.

Sebenarnya, boleh sahaja kalau hendak terus memakai tudung labuh. Namun, seeloknya, kita mulakan secara perlahan-lahan agar diri lebih yakin & bersedia. Tidaklah nanti perubahan itu terlalu drastik & takut diri tidak dapat mengadaptasi dengan penampilan baru itu. Cepat atau lambat, yang penting, perubahan itu ikhlas & istiqomah. Jadi, banyak-banyakkan berdoa agar Allah mempermudahi jalan kita untuk meraih redhaNya.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

F-afiqah's Tips

Hello Friends, Follower and all kind of people there. :D for this entry I'm very sincerely (omgg haha) want to share some tips to all of you. What tips haa? Okay I want to share the tips how to maintain your body weight! :)
I know some people there have this problem such as b'pulun habis nk turunkan berat badan right? Not all people  yang senang naik and senang turun, sometimes senang naik but susah turun and whatsoever xD for myself honestly my weight so flexible, senang naik plus senang turun. For those yang same type with me, you can follow my tips if you want. Tiada paksaan. :)

Okay first,

1. saya tak mengamalkan heavy dishes for breakfast. so usually I just take air masak or air suam or air putih.
dah cukup buat perut saya sgt terisi. :)
2. untuk Lunch, grrrr memang saya m'balas dendam kesumat sbb confirm akan terasa lapar tahap gila monyet lah kan time neh. Tapi tak lah sampai nak jalan pergi ke kelas petang pun tak larat. Haha so saya akan penuhkan perut seboleh mungkin. Lunch time, you're so cruel.
3. Next, for minum petang time waktu semua orang duk sibuk t'bongkang atas katil masing-masing, same goes to me lah. Haha so perut terasa kosong time neh.
4. Yessss for dinner kita sambung penuhkan lagi segala benda yg boleh d'isi dlm perut, selalunya time mlm saya mesti and dah termasuk dlm rutin harian saya akan makan berulang kali sampai masa nk tidur. Seriously, it's fact. Perut lapar tak boleh tidur punya. makanan saya tu mestilah makanan yg berat mcm nasi, kek, lauk pauk, ringan-ringan tak jalan lah. Haha. So siapa berani sila lah amalkan tips no.4 neh yea :) Dinner you're more cruel okay. Hmmm.

Dulu my weight pernah cecah sehingga 53 kilogrammes. But now I'm achieved turunkan my berat badan sehingga 45 kilogrammes dan pernah turun sehingga 43 kilogrammes. Badan kecil bukan bermakna kita ringan. Am I right?

So, thanks for reading! :))

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Melaka Raya, :D

Entry for today is Melaka Raya.
What I mean is not Melaka Raya salah satu nama tempat kat Melaka lol xD
It's mean that beraya di Melaka lah something like that,
Hahaha, okay then let's check it out!

so sweet kan dpt snap with all akak-akak's

Thanks for invitation and semua makanan sedap-sedap belaka :)
Especially for Kak Aina yg daripada dulu kala suka masak memasak untuk saya,
hahaha only she know my favourite dishes ;p

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Haji Yusof's Family :))

yeayyyy I love this picture sooooo much!!
yelah kan susah tau nk kumpul ramai-ramai cmnie
tu pun ada lagi yg tak dpt nak hadirkan diri atas urusan masing-masing
balik kampung lah, jauh, bini nak tggu due date bersalin lah
and whatsoeverrr, yg ada neh pun dah cukup meriah ssgtttt ! :)
my little Qistina next month dah move on to Arab Saudi 'bcoz my Ucu dpt
transfer job kat sana. so we all celebrate sekali lah. Huuu, I'll miss you so much dear.

I love you.

p/s: muka aku buruk. who cares.