10 signs that another love interest may be sharing your partner's attention:
1. your lover no longer calls just to check in with words of endearment.
* opssss, endearment means "panggilan mesra" okay bebeh. Haaaaa you need to compare it's really natural endearment, not sweet talker semata-mata!
2. your partner is too busy to return a text message or voice mail.
* sobsob busy katekan :')
3. your partner doesn't answer the phone when you are around.
* HAHA ape lagi, you olss tolong lah angkatkan. why not?!
4. when you take a meal to his house, the dish is immediately cleaned and set on the table so you won't forget it.
5. your partner insists on staying home and watching TV rather than go out on a date.
6. the bar is suddenly stocked with beverages that neither of you drink.
* no comment on this.
7. friends casually ask, as if they already know something, if the two of you are still together.
8. your partner doesn't try to ease your insecurities about an ex.
9. last year you received a dozen red roses for Valentine's Day; this year you received a card and a candy bar.
* HAHA, pity on sometimes. But okay what daripada tade langsung kan. Syukran :)
10. your partner is too busy with projects on weekends to hang out and too tired on Saturday night to go out with you.
* itu pun kalau your bf dah ada kerjaya and has his own project lah kan, kalau yg tgh study tu acano erk? hehe lu pikir lah sendirik! peaceeeee :)